More FAQs on Prana Healing Wand

For the benefit of Kovai Metro readers, who have been consistently asking queries regarding Prana Healing Wand, here are answers to some frequently asked questions. Can self healing be done with the PHW? Yes, self healing is easily done with the PHW. Doing self healing regularly one can keep the subtle body clean and free flow of the subtle energies is maintained. Just by spending 5mins daily one can keep the energy body free from stress and accumulation of energy toxins and disease energy in the aura. Can distant healing…

Learn To Balance Your Life To Be Happy And Healthy

Life is so beautiful with twist and turns. The challenge lies in the art of balancing and facing them with courage. Beautiful moments to be cherished and difficult moments to be appreciated. The mother nature and universe has abundantly provided us with the resources to make our life happy and successful. Irrespective of having such abundant resources we fail to realize its value and tempt to overdue on it. We crave for happiness and inner peace and sees it’s a very expensive gift for oneself. This makes us feel something…

Shedding More Light On Prana Violet Healing

What type of sickness can be cured with the PHW? All sickness starts within the human subtle body and by healing the subtle body the physical body heals soon after that. All sickness can be healed except for karmically induced sickness which may require divine intervention and balancing of the karmic condition would be required by the patient. What are subtle bodies? These are energy bodies that surrounds our physical body. The physical body consists of the external body that we can see and touch and the internal body that…

No Pain, No Gain: Treat Pain As A Pleasure

The pleasure of pain has hardly been experienced by many of us. We see pain as a big thing which happened to us for no mistakes of mine, I have been punished for someone’s else problem, what did I do to undergo such failures or trauma in life and why this happened to my family members. Wondering, why such questions haunt us. Is there any rule that we should only experience so called good moments or incidents in life. If you reiterate, those good and bad moments have been defined…

Q & A On The Magic of Prana Healing

Let’s take look at how Prana Violet Healing Works. Healing is done with the Prana Healing Wand (PHW). This Wand is used to transmit prana to the area of the energy body that needs healing. Subsequently the physical body receiving this Prana would start heals and rejuvenate. And Prana Healing Wand (PHW) is a divine cosmic geometry that generates Prana, Chi or Life force; it is shaped in a wand fashion so that it can be easily used. Energy from this Cosmic Geometry flows to recondition and heal the energy…

Let’s Celebrate The Ability of Differently-Abled

‘There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more’. It is estimated that one billion people live with disability around the globe, which means 15% of the population. United Nation has recognized December 3rd as, International Day of People with Disability, for better understanding about people with disabilities, to create awareness and to celebrate and recognize their achievements and contributions. The annual theme for the year 2018 is, Empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality, which aims at promoting empowerment and…

Muscle Strengthening Exercise Must To Stay Fit

Strength training can increase your overall strength, tone your muscles and boost your bone density. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends muscle strengthening activities atleast twice a week. A single set of 12 repetitions for each muscle group may be enough to maintain your strength. You can increase the number of sets to increase your muscle mass. It’s important to allow your body time to recover between workouts, by resting a day or two between strength training sessions. For strength training sessions, warm up by moving and…

Be Positive To Enjoy Life To The Core

Our world is changing. So do our thoughts and actions. How we think and feel about ourselves and others have changed drastically and has an impact in our lives too. The radical changes in belief system, values and law makes us to realize the complexity of our lives and for generations to come. If we have been paying attention to what’s happening within and environment, we would be able to predict what’s coming in the next few years. Such changes in the eco system disturb people’s health and mind. These…

Turn A Fitness Ambassador ToYour Family

Be it losing weight or staying fit requires a workout regime which requires dedication and a little knowledge on the kind of exercise that suits the goal. Aerobic exercises (Aerobic means “requires oxygen’) otherwise referred as Cardio helps to boosts the overall fitness by conditioning your heart and lungs. Strength training can increase your overall strength, tone your muscles and boost your bone density. Including both cardio and strength training in your exercise routine will provide better result. How long should I work out? While the WHO states that 150…

Be Open And Receptive To Changes, Says Chellam Narendiran

Nature’s bounty is a blessing in disguise wherein people get their needs fulfilled. Undoubtedly, one should enjoy and  appreciate trivial things in life. And it’s a known fact that there is only one life to be lived happily more specifically childhood and youth which needs to be celebrated forever, middle age to be earmarked in one’s history and in old age memories to be cherised. Irrespective of age, each one of us desired to be happy, wanted to enjoy life and takes pleasure in each moment. Realizing and relishing such…