Infertility To Motherhood, Womens Center’s Service

After a decade of learning, living and practicing in North America Dr. Mirudhubashini and Dr. Govindarajan returned to their home town, Coimbatore with a vision of dedicating their knowledge to the women and children here. Over three and half decades the vision has translated into one of India’s leading healthcare institution for women and children. Womens Center is built to give women an unparalleled atmosphere and excellence in care. Womens Center has been providing top of the line care in many different areas for the last three and a half…

Keep Fit With Pink Fitness Tips On Lifestyle Change

Obesity is a major risk factor, being driven to epidemic proportions by societal and global changes (for the worse) in nutrition intake patterns. A mismatch between the body weight and energy spent mechanism drives obesity, which if left unchecked, can lead to dramatic and alarming weight gain over the years. Many chronic diseases including diabetes, cardio vascular ailments and certain forms of cancer, are often associated with lifestyle and environment factors. Primary risk factors are an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and smoking! So what is the solution for this rapidly…

Memories Are Treasure House of Brain

In continuation of our last article, we have seen memory as the store house of information for good and bad events in life. Irrespective of having a choice to choose our happiness, we prefer to remember painful memories and unpleasant moments. Heard people saying, can’t get out of my past. I have tried my level best to stay away from people who created repulsive moments in life. Unfortunately, the scene gets repeated in mind. Eventually, started finding happiness in seeking bitterness. Learning to let go of the past and painful…

Learn The Secret of Keeping Real Life Partner Happy

Before we learn the secret lets first find out who is your life partner. Its’ not Mother, Father, Wife, Husband, Son, Daughter or friends. Your real life partner is your BODY. You and your body stay together from birth till death. The more you take care of your body, the more your body will take care of you. Your eating habits and active lifestyle will decide how your body is going to respond. Your Body is your greatest asset and its your responsibility to take care. Remember no one can…

Moments To Capture, Memories To Cherish

Life is a collection of memories. Memories do wonders when we set apart discrepancies and focus on equivalences. Life is beautiful, if mind knows to filter, manage and store beautiful moments only. Unfortunately our mind focus on irrelevant matters than significant one. The research says, our memories shape who we are today. They make up our mind in believing ourselves and others. The stories we tell ourselves, persons who touched our lives, whom we connected and disconnected and so on. If you observe successful persons, they have built their personality…

Chakras Energises Subtle Body

What are chakras? They are seen as rotation vortices away from the physical body by ancient yogis who were clairvoyants. Chakra is a Sanskrit word and means wheel. Chakras are energy centre on the subtle body and they perform many functions and one of the functions is to take care of the health of the organs and part of physical body that they control. They receive prana and distribute them to these required areas. Where are these chakras located? These chakras are located on the subtle energy body and some…

Prana Violet Healing Sheds Light On Curing Alzheimer’s

For Alzheimer’s, can it be cured? Answer: For Alzheimer you start all the usual healing, aura cleansing, ida pinggala and check and find and removing cords. Once there is no more cords do the chakra conditioning. Then check for body acidity and emotional issue in the emotional body. Once all this is gone, check for vitamin and mineral deficiency. The cause of this is in the brain area, so check all the four section of the brain area then make the patient do the balance breathing for 2 mins for…

Go Natural With B Naturo

In the present day’s fast-paced lives, people often tend to forget that food is one of the most important contributors to good health. Unmindful of the source of our groceries we just pick packs off the shelves of the supermarket. The rice, cereals and millets there were grown with loads of pesticides and chemicals to prevent untoward crop damage and most importantly to increase the yield from the land. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can make multiple yields than on organically farmed land. The increase in yield rapidly depletes…

Say ‘No’ To Talisman And Tying String As It Gives Negative Energy

What About Talisman and String? Wearing talisman and tying string will bring negative energy. You will be tied to that place where the string originated. There will be a link to that place and that negative energy will control you and control your energy body. We have warned many, not to wear such things as you will be connected to many souls from that place. We feel sad to say that many people think that there is god in these places. In the future we will not heal people who…

‘MYSELF’ Is The Mantra For Healthy Relationship

Human beings are naturally sensitive creature towards emotions and feelings. We experience such sensation towards the people we love and care. We interwine our thoughts and feelings with them and willing to accommodate with their limitations. We invest quality time in building relationship with people and take efforts to retain them in our life. This endures relationship bonding with family and friends. Irrespective of working so much to be in a relationship; we experience bitterness, unhealthy discussion, backbiting and stabbing and hatred towards each other. The person whom we loved…