The Power of Communication

Communication and assumptions are two sides of the coin. Either one has its prime role in building or destroying the relationship. When we assume things in relationship, we pick up fights, argue for minial things, disagree for each word and develop hatred for each other. When we open doors for communication, thoughts and words are exchanged mutually, tend to agree to disagree, respect for each other, discuss & share with confidence and value other’s thought and opinion. Rome is not built in a day. Similarly relationships are built over a…

Womens Center By Motherhood Helps Pcos Achieve Pregnancy, Says Dr Ramya Jayaram

With PCOS fast becoming most common problem for the women in India, the present statistics paints a grim picture wherein the condition can give rise to a number of complications including infertility. However, PCOS can achieve pregnancy with Womens centre by motherhood helping them get their long cherished dream using expertise and cutting edge technology. According to Dr. Ramya Jayaram, Endogynecology & Reproductive Medicine Consultant (Reproductive Medicine), Womens Center by Motherhood, no need to be panic on hearing the term PCOS. In an interview to Kovai Metro, she said that…

Stressed or Desserts, The Choice Is Yours

The most fashion statement used by kids to elders is “I am Stressed, Anxious and Depressed” (SAD). We feel absolute normal when someone utter those words. Its gives us some kind of satisfication that am not the only one who is stressed out in life. A reasonable amount of stress is good to accept. It gives us excitement and interest about the new things or projects. Such stressors are positive and called as Eustress. When we struggle to accept stress it becomes so painful and reduces our performance and productivity.…

Keep Fit, Stay Healthy Thru’ DT Academy

All under one roof for fitness. Yes, DT Academy offers solutions for keeping fit. Choose a class convenient to you and stay healthy. Courses they offer include Yoga, Pregnancy Classes, Zumba, Kung Fu, Dance, Functional Fitness and many more. Function Fitness (Body, Mind and Soul): Nobody has an hour time for physical fitness in today’s world. What if we told you, 20 minutes of your 24 hours will suffice? Achieve your dream physique and also become stronger physically and mentally. Yes, enforcing physical fitness and mental strength, we provide you…

Now, Learn More About Aura & Emotional Freedom Healing

We have already learnt about Aura in our previous articles. In the coming weeks we will be learning little more about Aura & Emotional Freedom Healing (EFH). Aura is the combination of all subtle bodies that surround the physical body namely 1) Energy or Ethericbody, 2) Astral or emotional Body, 3) Mental Body. Energy Body – It is the 1st level of aura and lies closest to the physical body and any negativity present here will have a stronger impact on the physical health of a person. It contains all…

Urogynaecology Clinic @ Womens Center By Motherhood

Urogynaecology is a relatively new super speciality that deals with pelvic floor disorders in women. A lot of our women suffer from some form of pelvic floor disorder. All pelvic floor disorders considerably affect a women’s quality of life. Unfortunately most fail to seek medical help due to the myth that it is a part of the ageing process and nothing much can be done about it. However medical science has progressed by leaps and bounds and several treatment options are available for these urogynaecological problems. Our doctors along with…

Imaging In Gynaecology At Womens Center By Motherhood

Pelvic ultrasound is the first-line imaging investigation in gynaecology for women of all ages. It is readily available, inexpensive, radiation-free, relatively less time consuming and easily repeatable. Abdominal and vaginal scanning techniques can be used with colour Doppler and 3D/4D scans for definitive diagnosis. Rapid advances in ultrasound technology characterizes uterine, ovarian, Endometrial and tubal Pathologies with precision and ease. Uterine fibroids, uterine adenomyosis and ovarian cysts are easily diagnosed and followed up by ultrasound. Tubal diseases like hydrosalphinx/pyosalphinx are detected well with ultrasound. The position of intrauterine contraceptive devices…

Make Memories Thru’ Sweet Surprises To Loved One

Life gives us surprises in each and every moment. All these surprises in a way or other connected with emotions and feelings. Emotions are physical state of body’s response and feelings are associated with bodily reactions and mental experiences. We require both for keeping the relationship alive. As we say, seeing is believing. Expression in relationship is very essential and it’s the life line for having healthy and happy life. Relationships forms the basics for family structure and community bonding. People are binded through traditions, cultures and belief systems. Such…

Hitech Diagnostics At Womens Center by Motherhood To Detect Birth Defects, Growth of Baby

Maternal – Fetal Medicine Department at Womens Center by Motherhood consists of a team of well qualified experts in fetal and maternal medicine. They are experienced in taking specialized care of complex maternal-fetal problems such as maternal medical problems high risk pregnancies, fetal growth problems, fetal well-being, fetal abnormalities. Complete range of services covering fetal scans, procedures, genetic and multidisciplinary counselling. Advanced imaging and diagnostics are available here to detect potential birth defects and growth problems, before birth. As a matter of routine prenatal care for all pregnant women, we…

Prana Violet Healing For Effects of Cords

A person is subjected to certain effects of cords which include Physical Ailment/ Pain, Emotional Disturbance, Mental Disturbance and various types of blocks. Whether you are sending out a cord it is your prana which will leave the body in the form of cord so you will become depleted in energy and chakras from where cord is going out will become disturbed. Cord is a result of negative emotions and thoughts so your aura will also be disturbed and life force will be unnecessarily consumed by the negative thought patterns…