Anti Ageing Specialist Dr Narmatha’s Tips To Lose Belly Fat

A person with normal physique but excess belly fat is considered to have ‘central obesity’. Most cases of central obesity are ‘stress induced’. This does not reduce with exercise or starvation diets. Lets discuss the link between stress and weight gain and the strategy to reduce it. Stress plays havoc with your hormones. It increases Cortisol-the stress hormone that plays a major role in your metabolism and fat accumulation. Stress induced weight gain is also due to derangement of hormones Ghrelin and Leptin. When these happens, there will be a…

Green Lounge Helps Burn Fat Thru’ Inch Loss Therapy

Fat around the abdomen is a constant pain point and is highly embarrassing for any individual. With work-related constraints and fast-paced lifestyles, the time for exercise and fitness is either unavailable or totally reduced. The queer fact about abdomen fat is that in most cases, it is the first place for excess fat to be deposited. Green lounge inch loss treatment regimen helps to burn fat efficiently without any adverse impact on the overall health of the individual. Highlights of the inch loss treatment regimen delivered by Green Lounge include…

Boost Good Bacteria, Boost The Immune System, Opines Dr Narmatha

Protect your healthy bacterias to avoid diseases, because it’s better to stay well than to get well, observes Dr Narmatha of Hexa Anti Ageing and Preventive Clinic. Our Body is full of trillions of Bacteria,Virus and Fungi.They are collectively called as ‘Microbiome’. Some bacteria are associated with harmful disease and there are many other bacterias which are actually extremely important for your Immune system. There are roughly 40 trillion bacterial cells in your body and only 30 trillion human cells. Yes! There are more bacterial cells in your body than…

Removing Pimples, Black Spots In A Natural Way @ Green Lounge

Tired of removing acnes, pimples & black spots from your face with various techniques & treatment? We are here you to help you with proven natural remedies to permanently remove acne & pimple from your face. Major factors that cause acne are Stress, Hormone activity, Hyperactive oil glands, Bacteria in the pores of the skin, Skin irritation from scratching.  Treatment are based on Skin types, Types of acne & specific remedies. Although dark spots are known for fighting the good fight against the skin, consider the dark days a thing…

Now Everyone Can Heal, Says Prana Violet Healing Founder Siva

NO TOUCH, NO MEDICINE PRANA THERAPY. Prana Violet Healing is a No touch, No medicine prana therapy. Prana Violet Healing follows the Universal Law of Karma. Forgiveness affirmations are the fundamental basis of PVH. In case the problem faced by a person is the reaction to one’s own karma / action whether done knowingly or unknowingly in this lifetime or previous lifetimes, unless the person has done forgiveness we cannot heal him. We have a set of Forgiveness Affirmations for this purpose. Healing is done using the Prana Healing Wand…

Avoid Fried Foods To Be In ‘Pink’ of Health

It’s quite natural that everyone are craze for fried foods like chips as they are so yummy and many of find it difficult to keep away from them. When foods are fried in oil they lose water and absorb fat which increases the calorie content. Since fried foods are cooked in oil at extremely high temperatures, they are likely to contain trans fats. Food manufacturers often hydrogenate fat using high pressure and hydrogen gas to increase their shelf life and stability. The process changes the chemical structure of fats making…