In the heart of Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore, a gem of a hair studio has been making waves since its inception in December 2020, Hairport Studio. Founded by the dynamic duo, Prajwal and Pema, who ventured into entrepreneurship after successful careers as educators for renowned brands, this studio is not just a salon; it’s a haven for those seeking top-notch hair services, beauty treatments, and professional makeup.
Before stepping into the world of entrepreneurship, Prajwal was a former educator for Loreal Professional South Regional and an advocate for well-professional practices. The expertise they gained in their previous roles is reflected in Hairport Studio’s commitment to providing services that adhere to international standards. The studio doesn’t just offer services; it elevates careers by providing personalized training to stylists and aspiring hair artists, ensuring they reach new heights in their profession.
Pema, a winner of MATRIX MELT 2023 Mumbai and a regional finalist for INDIAN HAIRDRESSING AWARDS 2023, adds an extra layer of excellence to the studio. Their technical knowledge, combined with a keen eye for trends, sets Hairport Studio apart. The studio prides itself on being a trendsetter while respecting and following the ever-evolving trends in the industry. Whether it’s a commercial look, an editorial shoot, or a portfolio session, Hairport Studio is flexible in offering a variety of services to meet diverse client needs.
One of the standout features of Hairport Studio is its wedding packages. The studio takes a holistic approach by analyzing the bride and groom’s skin and hair texture to tailor personalized treatments. The pre-bridal head-to-toe package for brides and the groom’s hairstyle with makeup is meticulously curated to ensure that the couple looks picture-perfect on their special day.
Pre-bridal head-to-toe package – Rs. 9999 (bride), Groom Hairstyle with makeup – Only Rs. 5000, Bridal makeup charge Rs. 10,000
When asked about the importance of self-care leading up to the big day for the bride and groom, Prajwal opined the importance of staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet, and incorporating evening skincare rituals. For those opting for home or chemical treatments, Prajwal assures clients that every product used at Hairport Studio is designed to enhance hair texture without compromising on quality.
Hairport Studio doesn’t just provide a service; it crafts an experience. Their dedication to excellence, coupled with a keen sense of industry trends, makes it the go-to destination for individuals looking to transform their look or brides and grooms seeking a touch of glamour for their special day.
Reach them @ 95914 45229.
—Grishma Raj