A Big Salute To Corona Warriors

As the nation is slowly limping back to normalcy after liberal relaxations, Kovaiites are still in a jittery to venture out for fear of virus spread as the city is witnessing rising cases next to Chennai in the past one week or so. Thanks to the district administration’s preparedness in combating the dreaded disease by taking all preventive steps by holding special medical camps across the corporation area.
No exaggeration to say that the selfless service by doctors, nurses, para medical staff, cleanliness workers besides, revenue, health, police department personnel risking their lives worked 24×7 to protect and save the people from COVID-19 spread while not to speak of those volunteers from SDPI, TMMK braving all odds to bury the COVID victims. And Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) too helped with food packets, provisions to the poor.
Initially, CMCH and ESI Medical College Hospital handled most of the corona affected by admitting them and discharging them after treatment. With surging cases, the district administration had set up corona treatment centres at CODISSIA trade fair complex besides college and school premises as COVID Care Centres to take care of corona patients.
The entire government machinery comprising several departments right from top officials to last grade staff were on the toes round the clock working towards protecting people from virus spread. The role of cleanliness workers across the 100 divisions in the corporation area needs special mention as they had put up a brave face to fight the virus by spraying disinfectant across the streets.
Awareness campaigns were conducted on a regular basis by holding medical camps, distributing handouts, door to door visit by health department staff across the neighbourhood and advising them to wear face masks, maintain social distancing and use hand sanitizers as a precautionary measure in combating the virus spread.
‘One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm’, said motivational writer Catherine Pulsifer. True to her words, the nation wide lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic taught many lessons to us even while confining to homes for the past five months. Initially, people had to bear the brunt of it since keeping indoors wasn’t easy for those who kept on the move here and there on their daily chores.
However, one should keep in mind that relaxation doesn’t mean COVID-19 is over. Residents need to be keep more vigil in safeguarding themselves from this crisis as no one knows what would be the outcome of this relaxation. ‘Stay home, Stay safe’ is the best option before Kovaiites are accustomed to the new normal lifestyle.


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