COVID 19 is a peculiar virus. It integrates people to disintegrate; unites to disunite, and engages to disengage. So much of things are happening around before realizing the situation changes much faster than corona spread. Across the world, people busy talking about before and after COVID19. The present is still a presence in the calendar. Much to talk between life and death. Especially with self, family members, loved ones and society.
Moving forward in life, what matters a lot for existence is oneself and other-self. Deep thought into our mind, self – awareness is a much needed state of mind to accept life as a valuable gift. Being at home for one-quarter of the financial year is highly challenging for each one of us. The beginning of the financial year and the informal end of the academic year has brought so many changes in personal, academic and professional life. The least expected change of being at home with the one and only family members is a blessing in disguise for some, forced happiness for many and unwelcoming involvement with each others personal space.
Though, we say family is always a blessing and one of the best things happened in our life. It has another side of the story too. The sudden happiness of getting married, having a baby, buying a house, or a vehicle is a bonanza or Jackpot. Technically, its an incremental value proposition which ensures that we have a purpose to live and got something to run for the rest of our life.
This lockdown has changed all the propositions. Many of us are spending the days and nights at home. Forcefully we need to accommodate all family members at home with all their plus and minus. The initial suffocation of accepting the flaws of husband and wife has become the habit now. In some families, the equation has changed completely and scenarios are beyond controllable limits. Children are the victims of parental cinema which keeps running without break. The rosy side of the pictures are showing thorns and hurting a lot. The struggle for the family is making it more meaningful for many and some questionable. With all ups and downs of being together, becoming aware of self is the much need of the hour. Managing self-thought helps in managing our emotions to lead a better life.
The nightmare word of COVID 19 can become the fancy word in the minds of people. C – Clarity in Thoughts, O – Obey Your Words, V – Vindicate Your Worth, I – Inquisitive Your Knowledge, D – Determine to Deal. 19 is just a number. It could be special for someone with age, special days and memories.
The paradigm shift in the thought process ensures significant changes in life and the touch-points of people in our life. The choice of being happy or being sad depends on an individual perspective about self and life. Nothing to do with people around us. It could be parents, wife, children or any person for that matter. You are the only responsible person for your life incidents the other persons are playing their role assigned by you.
Be it corona or thought virus. Corona too attack us very hard when we allow them to come inside through fear of getting infected, not using mask or sanitizer and social closing than social distancing. Similarly thought virus are always living inside our body. It acts beneficial for us when we allow rational and positive thoughts, and harmful when piled with negative thoughts and emotions. Both virus are under our control. Its how we decide to live our life. Being self aware and managing our emotions are the best way to beat COVID 19. The most demanding and appealing brand name in the universe.
—Chellam Narendiran
+91 – 98433 14949
Srijan Counselling Services
Manage Emotions To Beat Covid-19