Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, M.A, Ph.D, Founder Director – The United Social Welfare Trust.
Born to a middle class school teacher in Devakottai alias Chetti-nadu, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan had achieved greatness by his exemplary services to the society in all spheres. Looking at the history of his multi-faceted social works one may wonder whether our society (that is so cruelly apathetic, that stays knee-deep in corruption and greed) is matured enough to understand this man’s frame of mind.
Though Dr. S. Radhakrishnan had chosen the career of a teacher (following his father’s footsteps) after post-graduation, the urge to do something for the society was growing within him, right from his school days. Hence, he started spending his time and earnings to this end and it was the beginning of an important phase in his great philanthropist’s life. His father Late. Shri. Subramaniam was his biggest motivation and Late. Thavathiru Kundrakudi Adigalar inpried him to choose the less traveled and painful path. Since then he had been a vital part of several social service activities ranging from educating the poor to anti- pollution movements.
Here is an incident that throws light onto the personality of Dr. Radhakrishnan. One day on his way back from the school, he heard a boy screaming for help, from a barrel of molten tar he had accidentally fallen into. While no one dared to help the boy, it took no second thought to extend a helping hand. Ignoring the danger of hot molten tar can cause he took boy out of the tar barrel, (later, for the rare act of courage, he was honored with the Gallantry Award by Government of Tamilnadu) took him to the hospital and spent almost a weeks’ time there, taking care of the kid, until his injuries were completely cured and he got discharged. This is just a small example of how humane this man’s approach is. Fact is, his life is a real saga woven with many a story of virtue. Yet his life is not just the story of a good Samaritan. It’s rather, the tale of a prophet of humanity.
Spreading the word of literacy among those who are pushed away to the backyards of society was not an easy task. Dr. Radhakrishnan took it as a sacred mission and kept on interacting with the slum dwellers, secured scheduled communities and tribal groups, in many ways.
To make the message more lucid, he adapted the cultural forms familiar to the communities. Art forms like Folk dances, Drama etc., were performed, spreading the literacy awareness. Gradually a majority of people among these communities was convinced that education is the only means that could boost up their living standards. When the parents persuaded their children to school, Dr. Radhakrisnan was there with them, providing free books and other study materials.
Apart from his efforts creating awareness of education, he could effectively convince these people about the need of keeping their environment clean; about how to live healthy life, in order to become good citizens. Anyone who had come across the missions realized by this man will undoubtedly say “I’ve found a genuine advocate of humanity”.
He married to a wonderful lady Thirumathi Panchavarnam at the age of 25 from Devakottai. Fortunately, they were like-minded people and she offered complete support and even encouraged him to quit his teaching profession to focus on his social service activities fully. She always stood by him as a pillar of support even in the days of sufferings. Subsequently he shifted to Coimbatore and expanded his services to a wider audience.
Later in 1995 Dr. Radhakrishnan started The United Welfare Trust to reach out more people effectively who need care and support. Under this Trust he started the United Physically Handicapped School in a rented premise where he offered free education, food and shelter for the poor, orphaned and handicapped children. Then in 1999 after four years he shifted this organization to an own premise in Kurumbapalayam, Sathy Road, Coimbatore. For setting up this institution he had to sell his ancestral property in Chettinadu and even his wife’s jewels. Of course, this organization was running with public contribution and over the years many good souls lending their support for its smooth functioning. Again in 2003 the organization expanded with Mentally retarded & orphaned handicapped inmates. In 2008 started a home for aged & mentally ill and in 2011 expanded to an adult mentally ill care center & an old age home for abandoned aged mothers. In 2003 they received State award for best institution in Tamilnadu. In 2015 they conducted Awareness Exhibition on mental health in district headquarters in Tamilnadu. In 2020 this organization is celebrating its 25-year silver jubilee and still he is tirelessly working for the wellbeing of the abandoned, down trodden and mentally ill in the society. He raised thousands of physically handicapped, mentally retarded and abandoned children by providing food, shelter and education. Many of them now became skilled professionals and reached prestigious positions in various fields in society. Through this organization he took care of thousands of mentally challenged adults and successfully rehabilitated them. This organization was a haven of hundreds of abandoned aged mothers & destitutes.
His fight against environmental pollution and conservation of nature and natural resources is also equally vigorous. He not only preached the relevance of social forestry but also organized more than 800 tree plantation camps and over 600 camps emphasizing the need of pollution free world. Several exhibitions on how to control pollution. “The effort will continue till all of us become aware how important it is to protect our surroundings,” says Dr. S. Radhakrishnan.
Another region that is blessed with this man’s presence is health services. He joined hands with those who fights against the ever-deadly decease, AIDS. Organizing awareness programs for the people who easily fall prey to decease, frequent interactions with truck drivers to convince them the necessity of leading a moral life, rehabilitating prostitutes were all just part of it. Conducted over 800 camps in order to spread awareness on how to be prevent AIDS. As part of creating a wave of sympathy for people who suffer from leprosy, Dr. Radhakrishnan had visited around 120 remote villages and effectively interacted with people who treated lepers with fear and hatred.
Apart from playing a major role in changing their mind sets, he did help several patients to survive their miseries by availing proper treatment for them.
Organizing more than 500 dental camps for the children of schools of disabled and orphanage was another remarkable thing he did in connection with health awareness.
Likewise, he helped conduct 640 camps in order to spread awareness about the necessity of family planning.
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was never in pursuit of rewards, recognition was chasing him, instead. Though he was dedicating his entire time and energy for charitable activities, chasing any reward in return was never there in his agenda. On the contrary recognition was chasing him, all the time. The Management Studies Promotion Institute (MSPI) New Delhi, adjudged him an outstanding personality of 20th century. Then National Award for out-standing contributions to social work, from Government of India.
In the year 1997, The Raja Sir Annamalai Chettiar Memorial trust conferred a reward of Rs.1 lakh along with the Raja Sir Muthaiyah Chettiar Birthday Commemoration Award. Government of Tamilnadu had honored him with the State Award for Social Service, five times. The numerous awards came his way include National Educational Excellence Award, Bharath Vikas Award, UWA Excellence Award, Super Intellectual Award, National Unity Award Annai Teresa Award, Anna Award etc., instituted by various foundations in India and abroad. And, a doctorate in education from an American University was no surprise.
Days dedicated to restless works. Sleepless nights spent for the intellectual within him. This is a very routine of Dr. Radhakrishnan. Look at his profile as an author.
A remarkable writer in Tamilnadu, he had written and published 102 books. The subjects of his books are mainly on creating awareness in various social issues, women empowerment, general health, education and general knowledge etc., rather than fiction. His presence on the pages of leading publications in frequent and he is an active member of United Writers Association, Chennai.
What Dr. S. Radhakrishnan had done in the past 35 eventful years in his life is something almost impossible for an ordinary man to do in a life time. (But then, this is how great people stand out from the usual crowd).
We have all the reasons to expect more and more fruitful acts from him, in the future. Telling it exactly, this man is one big reason for us to be optimistic about the future of mankind.
Dr.S. Radhakrishnan – A Man With Perception & Foresight