The Department of Printing Technology, School of Engineering, Avinashilingam Institute, Coimbatore organized a 3-day student workshop on Specialty Printing and its uses for engineering students. In his address, Director Dr K N Raja Rao stressed the need for gaining knowledge in interdisciplinary areas apart from core printing concepts. And the printing course has been designed keeping in view of women students. Dean, Dr.S.Maragatham of the School of Engineering was also present. Fifty participants of the workshop included students of various disciplines of engineering apart from Printing Technology.
Dr. TKS Lakshmi Priya, Head Department of Printing Technology, said the objective of the workshop was to showcase the significance of not just conventional printing jobs but about special types of printing and also printing on diversified medium.
M.D.Venkatesan, Director-Operations, SGSCO Coimbatore, a pre-media company with HQ in the US spoke on Pre-Media: Idea to Production. Dr.K.N.Raja Rao released the Pongal Greeting Card made by the students using Printed Electronics, a technology that is yet to become commercial.
Three Day Student Workshop On New Printing Techniques