The days are beautiful and energetic only when it is hustle and bustle day for the business community. They love being with problems and explore opportunities for growth. Their life sails smooth with ups and downs of economic waves and market fluctuations. Mind is completely engrossed with business thoughts and heart beats are monitored based on the balance sheet. Business keeps them on toes in each and every moment. Business magnifies exponentially and growth potential is unlimited.
Many business persons and entrepreneurs believe that they are alive because of their profession. They feel responsible for their staff and family. Wanted to put their heart and soul into whatever they do for business. They are the reason for our luxurious life today. We think the hefty price tags are for their knowledge, tireless effort and seamless operations. Ironically, we pay for their stress and risk they have taken in their life. Is this coming as a shock?
Rewind your mind to the history of achievers and especially the autobiographies of their personal life. The narration clearly states the sacrifice they have made in their personal life to achieve something big. Nevertheless, they are satisfied but unhappy about their personal life. This evidently says that personal life is precious than professional price tags.
The pride of business persons and entrepreneurs are not only in creating fat money and big name. It’s all about re-creating and re-inventing them in the process. They talk about many quotients excluding two health quotient i.e. physical and mental. At least few pays a decent amount of attention for their physical health as the negative impact is visible on the body through some signs or symptoms. Visible is noticed. Invisible is neglected i.e. mental health. No one knows what goes in the mind, to a state even the self. Ignorance of mental health is always taken for granted. Ignored is deducted with fatal effect.
The WHO says mental health takes toll on life. India is witnessing the serious mental health problem and expected expenditure on mental health is 0.06% of GDP. It’s such an alarming number and lack of mental health professionals makes the situation even scarier. High time be it a professional or business giant everyone is human with love and care for self and others.
Regular mind training, seeing good things, talking about positivity, being grateful, helping others, saying thank you and showing care and affection for others are the best and simple techniques to adapt at ease. Most importantly Self – Love and Self – Acceptance are the key for having strong mental health.
Personal and professional life is two sides of the coin. Balancing is an art. Split the 24 hours radically and apply 8-8-8 rule – (1) 8 for personal life (2) 8 for professional life and (3) 8 for sleep. The biggest achievers and smallest entrepreneurs have the same timing. It’s all about priority and preferences. Prioritize your personal life and prefer your professional life.
—Chellam Narendiran
Srijan Counselling Services
Need To Balance One’s Personal And Professional Life