If you enquire at any household, the biggest pet peeve they have got will be around the quality of food they are consuming. Especially in cities, where life is fast and so is food, this is a real worrisome topic for many. With the growth of internet and knowledge available at everyone’s fingertips, consumers are more conscious of the various chemicals used such as pesticides and fertilizers as enablers for a better farm output. With the increase in sensitivity to these topics, they are steadily shifting towards naturally grown food products which are fresh and follow international standards.
In comes MAASILLA with their unique concept for providing their consumers with the farm fresh produce that they are looking for and at the right time. In talks with its founder, Ramesh Babu we found that the brand is focused on least farm to fork time and have re-engineered the supply chain model that distributes farm-fresh produce directly to the consumers through innovative methods. They are partners in the Tamil Nadu Supply chain Management initiative which aims at reducing the post-harvest losses, ensure enhanced income to farmers and benefit end customers.
MAASILLA is focused on improving the supply chain model through innovative techniques for a better consumer experience. First, the fresh produce harvested at the right time is sent to centralized warehouses where the processing is done an agile manner. At these warehouses, they go through a minimal process of grading and gentle mechanized washing. The produce is then ozonated to remove pesticides and residues. Finally, they are dried and packed for sale at the retail store.
Brand MAASILLA owned by Go Green Agro Foods Private Limited (GGAFL) in association with Ahimsa Organic Agri Tech Producer Company limited (AOATPCL) has a mission to be a healthy alternative in agri-products business. AOATPCL which is a Farmer Producer company (FPC) advises farmers to use less pesticides and more natural elements to promote farming of healthy vegetables and seasonal fruits. This step is crucial in acquiring and consolidating fresh produce across all the districts of Tamil Nadu where the brand has close to 60 acres of farmland through direct and indirect sources.
With an aim to go online by end of January 2020, Maasilla has an operational retail store at GGAFL, Balaji Castle Building, No. 11, Father Randy Street, TV Samy Road (West), RS Puram, Coimbatore. They are focused on extending their retail presence in 10 to 12 more places in Coimbatore.
Consumers can walk into these retail stores to buy naturally grown products and experience first-hand testing done on the products to ensure they are of the best quality as prescribed by WHO. For details contact 0422 – 2554300.
—Grishma Raj
Maasilla Organic Store Now @ RS Puram