Myth is marvelous. Few considered it as rituals, some superstitious and many associated with a faith system. Amazed with the fact that myth can drive people crazy to the end of their life. The word myth derived from the Greek word mythos means story or word. The study of myth is called mythology. The stories of myth articulate how characters enact or undergo changes and narrate the sequence of events in an orderly manner.
Many lifetime stories are based on myth. It has truth in a veiling manner and unveiling is a challenge. The common myth talks among people are primarily about bachelor’s life, marriage, child, relations, society, friends, colleagues and neighbours. In short, we see the myth in every aspect of life. Many believe in myth connotations and indescribably doing things. Not even a single moment of the event is missed out from perceiving as a myth.
We presume most of the life incidents are a myth. They are packed in the form of stories and histories. The game lies in coding, encoding, and decoding of occurrence in an appropriate manner. Based on culture, rituals and social norms, the form of myth is defined and redefined to meet the changing demands of the society and people.
Generally, people say I have a fear of speaking among a group of members or addressing the public forum. It’s a myth. Be it a group or one to one, the individual has to speak. What difference does it make if it’s a crowd or a ballroom? Simple, the person has to be knowledgeable about what he speaks, convince the larger mass and connect with the people. Then, where is the myth? It’s a question of knowledge.
The next common myth talk is am an introvert or speak with limited words. It’s a choice been made by that particular individual not to be open up or don’t want to move away from the comfort zone. If a person wanted to share his knowledge or gain inputs from a collective person, he will make an effort to speak and learn. Where is the question of an introvert?
The most happening myth is about marriage. Once someone is getting married, married people word echoes in their ears “welcome to the caged club”. Such a wonderful life incident is been perceived or talked in a sarcastic style. If married life is a caged life, then no one would be in or encourage someone to get married. It’s a cooked-up story or accumulation of events. Why people feel suffocate is because of their inability to cope up with the changing situations, accepting the other person in life the way they are, unwillingness for a change and high lot of expectations from other people and family. When an expectation doesn’t match veracity and acceptance level is low people naturally feel I am not in the right place. Be it for marriage or work place or family.
Ironically, people are really happy in a marriage for one or other reasons. They breathe freely but failed to realize the breadth of another person in his or her life. It could be a spouse or inlaws or relations. Accommodation of more people in life is challenging as the myth is when the numbers are high problems are high. Reversibly, when people are more, problems are divided and disbursed to many and solutions are plenty. When start accepting people and unexpected events, not only marriage even life is wonderful when people are around us.
Myth relates with past experience. Past is always a learning and has a message for present and future changes. Not advisable to see everything with previous understandings. It’s good to ask know – how’s. Learnings are always with a pinch of salt and opens way for new horizons.
Myth can be changed into another form of reality. When talking about myth give a thought why this particular incident or narration is been considered as a myth.
When start pruning, it kindles the rational touch of that particular myth. It helps to unveil the reason behind it.
Myth is a misconception of stories or events as perceived by an individual. It also has a rational thinking and reality check behind every myth. It’s up to an individual to delineate myth with fact.
Myth is mindblowing and Fact is Fabulous. Choose Yours!
Chellam Narendiran
+91 – 98433 14949
#happymind #happylife
Srijan Counselling Services
Myth Is Mindblowing, Fact Is Fabulous, The Choice Is Yours