All ladies league (ALL) launched its Coimbatore chapter on August 24. ALL is a multinational movement with chapters for connecting women worldwide as Sisters Beyond Borders, as ‘Soul Sisters’.
The league celebrates sisterhood and joins together to help and empower thousands of women in various verticals such as business, arts, gourmet, health, gender, fine arts, parenting and climate change and entrepreneurship.
Anybody can become a member of league. Ranging from home makers to business women, ALL has been welcoming many ladies of different calibre to honour the power of women. With Archana Dange, head operations, Anand deep enterprises as the President, the committee aims to look at new directions of shared interest and involve the amazing women of Kovai to focus on positive interactions and events in future. The event has some esteemed dignitaries as its chief guest. Lieutenant Esan, founder and training commander, officers preparing academy, commander – delta force who was also involved in recent flood rescue operations in Kerala. The event also got some valuable insights from Sujani Balu who is past president of crafts of Tamil Nadu.
The organisation has 70,000 members in over 500 chapters across 150 countries. It was established by current global chairperson Dr Harbeen Arora. It aims to grow beyond one million members by 2022. “Each chapter is like a lighthouse reaching out to positively inspiring women who want to change themselves and others,” says Sakina, Tamilnadu Chapter Chair, ALL.
The fruitful engagement throughout working and information exchange is a nurturing force for collective growth, she adds.
The league also plans for the World Sisterhood Day celebration on October 5. It will be an annual global festival to celebrate the bonding of ALL women as soulsisters in supporting, nurturing and protecting one another. “We will tie each other a thread to signify the bonding of Shakti, the divine energy and our creative force” adds Sakina.
—Grishma Raj
ALL Ladies League Launched In Coimbatore