For those girls, who crave for a career in printing technology, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women offers a job-oriented four year course.
Print media both dailies, weeklies, bimonthly mags are scouting for candidates with creative skill for their organisations spread across the country. Production of newspapers itself is an art where the pages are designed by designers and paginators and the PDF is sent to Computer To Plate machines (CTP) wherein the plates are rolled into the printing machine which gets printed, folded and packed and sent for distribution. And this is a routine affair for daily newspaper.
Besides, printing technology is connected with packaging technology, Media Technology and E-publishing which also offers plethora of opportunities to the right candidates with aptitude.
Media Technology refers to the wide range of medium that is used for communication or in other word for dissemination of information. Whatever the media is, be it paper, wood, glass or any physical substrate or be it an electronic media like audio, video, internet, cinema; all these come under media technology and the first step for information dissemination is pre-press also known as content creation, artwork, etc.
An Engineering and Technology degree in Printing at the Undergraduate level primarily focuses of the various types of printing techniques – starting from Letterpress, flexography, Gravure, Screen, upto the present day Digital Printing and Electronic Publishing. A good understanding of these technologies require scientific knowledge of many aspects like the ink used to print, the materials on which printing is done, the machineries that print and the electronics in these machines.
The Department of Printing Technology at Avinashilingam Institute has been providing state-of-the-art quality education in printing since its inception in 1996 and has been providing 100% placement to all students who opt for placement.Admission for the academic year 2019-20 has begun. Pl visit or contact Dr.TKS Lakshmi Priya, Professor and head, Department of Printing Technology, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore. Ph. 9940163309.
BE Printing Technology @ Avinashilingam Institute