A two day blood donation camp was organised at Avinashilingam Institute campus I and II. Thanks to the joint effort of NSS Unit 19 and 18 B besides Rotary club of Coimbatore Texcity. NSS Program Officers Dr.R.Radha, Dr.R.Saravana Prabha, Dr.S.Akilandeshwari organised the camp in coordination with K.Senthil Kumar, President of Rotary Texcity club, Coimbatore.
Over 200 donors came forward to donate blood at the camp. After screening donors for health and fitness including weight, blood pressure and Haemoglobin level. And a medical counselling by a doctor followed the eligible donors. Refreshments were offered to blood donors by Rotary Texcity after donating the blood.
The blood donation camp was open to all the donors from 9.00am – 2.00pm. NSS volunteers under the leadership of program officers assisted at the blood donation camp. All donors were given certificates and the programme officers were awarded with a commendation certificate by Rotary Texcity and Swasam blood bank .
Blood Donation Camp By Rotary Texcity Club @ Avinashilingam Institution