Celebrating Women’s day is celebrating each one of us. It’s a way of feeling gratitude to each and every woman in one’s life. The powerful creation gifted by the universe to feel the presence of divinity and existence of living.
The world talks about women empowerment, women education, women health & safety and women equality in work environment, family and society. Surprisingly, woman are the power house of resources and real architects of the society. They have the innate ability to create or destroy energy in this world. This has been hardly realized and channelized in a proper manner.
In the current scenario, women empowerment is a much talked topic in nooks and corners of the world. Empowerment doesn’t mean not only providing facilities to empower someone. It is for an individual to realize one’s potential, equip with adequate resources, create oneself and evolve as a better person. Its actually empowering oneself within and empower others through proper knowledge, providing equal opportunity and respect for individual’s thought and rights.
The word Women itself redefines the gender role. It clearly states that Women, Men and Wo–Men act as co-creator in the universe. By nature, women’s position is been placed prominently and recognized as the vital source of cosmic energy. It’s a matter of time to realize the power of the word woman:
W – Willingness to adapt, adjust and acknowledge self and others
O – Optimum utilization of Resources and store house of Reservoir
M – Magnify her talent and potential to Achieve goals and success
A – Accept the uncertainties and Convert them to opportunities
N – Nurture Mind to Nurture Heart to Nurture Relationship
As we celebrate the International Women’s Day, let us feel the essence and presence of each and every women in our life. It’s a wonderful experience to be surrounded by beautiful soul, braveful heart and caring mind. Realize the worth of a woman to realize the worth of self. Be proud in celebrating a woman in your life forever.
Chellam Narendiran
Srijan Counselling Services
98433 14949
Women Are Power House of Resources, Real Architects of Society