D.Balasundaram is known for his technological expertise but his essays and works bring out the philosopher in him. He was an amazing person and one of a kind. He led a simple life in his quaint bungalow and would always be found amidst books. The chapter ‘Isha Murthy Upasanai’ is the best treatment according to the noble soul. He states that the ones who are suffering from worries or other afflictions to do with the mind can find solace through the worship of their favourite deities. He quotes the kural while stating so.
The chapters which come about later state that God is compassion and only then will we attain complete freedom. The concept of ‘Saranagati’ or total surrender is brought out well by Valluvar states Balasundaram. In the concluding chapter, the author Balasundaram brings out the special characteristics of the Hindu religion.
He states that the primary texts are the four vedas, he also mention that God is looked upon a either Nirguna or Saguna Brahma, professional classification of the society which emphasizes on the Purusharthas or goals of life, the three paths to salvation – karma, gnana, bhakti, favourite and first deities, sacred places and sacred water bodies, karma and rebirth. He goes on to state that ‘Thirukkural’ is based on these premises.
Definitely Valluvar would have known about these popular concepts and these would have been the crux of his wonderful composition.
While speaking about the woman who worships her husband as a deity, Balasundaram adds that one has to look at it after understanding the differences between the concepts ‘Upansana Moorthy’ and the ‘first complete deity’ known as ‘Muzhu Mudhal Kadavul.’ Again he quotes from Dhandapani Swamigal in this chapter. The inner mind experiences some bad feelings which can be despicable. The worship of certain deities may help in making the mind peaceful. Therefore the favourite deity worship as a concept has to be done with a aid of a preceptor states the author D.Balasundaram.
D.Balasundaram states that the eye of wisdom is better than the physical ‘eye’ for it helps us to elevate ourselves. The kural of Thiruvalluvar is further enriched by the work of the noble D.Balasundaram whose work has brought out its brilliant facets.
‘Thiruvalluvar Kanda Hindu Samayam’ is sure to enrich the reader for it has been presented in a nutshell by the ‘creator of wealth’ (in the complete sense), D.Balasundaram.
This fantabulous work is an eye opener for every seeker of eternal knowledge.
—Rajesh Govindarajulu
Textool Balasundaram’s Creative Work On Thirukkural – Part II