Time has come to bid farewell to the by-gone year and welcome new year. With lot of hope and excitement we are gearing up to welcome twenty nineteen (2019). Much to our surprises in the by-gone year we would have had good and bad times, planned and unplanned moves and new learning’s and experiences in life. Though things look simple and absurd how much we take from life does matters a lot. It’s a culture to take resolution on the new year. There are people who make it a point to make and break resolutions. Understanding on such things are beyond their limitations.
Most of the time we see resolution as one of the activity to do it in new year. The importance of having such practice has got a different meaning. The word “Re-Solution” says “Re – Solve”. It’s a time to do self – introspection for the things that have happened in our life, re – Look on the incidents, re – visit the process and re – define the role played. The idea here is to say that resolution is not a one time activity, it’s a process to re – delineate and re – evaluate oneself and others. When such activities has become a practice, this would give us a different meaning for life.
Making resolutions more meaningful and interesting is a challenge. Most of the time people are unable to keep up their words on resolution irrespective of working it hard or having different approach. This is because we have one for the world and not for ourselves. Our mind and soul are not part of the process. So it wades off in no time. When our mind determines to make changes in life we will become part of the process. It kindles our brain cells and memory cells to actively work on it. Change happens in mind, flows through heart, acts on body and results on action.
A new year is a day to celebrate both good and bad memories in life. As the year signs off, we should also bid farewell to negative emotions, feelings, ill thoughts, sick people and bad experiences. We should be grateful for the people who taught us life’s experience, gave pain for no reasons which eventually helped to see the new in us and for the doors closed and opened. Seek the new year as way to explore new avenues, engage in social cause, practice what you believe in, spend more time with people and cultivate good habits.
Be enthusiastic to welcome the new year with lot of happiness, feel the nature’s presence, develop people and passionate about work.
Above all have value for self, respect for self words and actions. Let this year be filled with beautiful moments and treasured memories.
Chellam Narendiran
Srijan Counselling Services
+91 – 98433 14949
Good Bye 2018, Welcome 2019