As part of two day All India Textile Conference held in the city, The Textile Association’s south India unit honoured Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu, Chairman and Managing Director of Lakshmi Machine Works Limited with the Industrial Excellence Award for his contribution to the industry while R.Jagadish Chandran, Chairman of Premier Mills (P) Ltd. with the Life Time Achievement Award for his services to the Textile Industry.
Notably, the meet is being conducted after 25 years. Sixteen speakers presented technical papers from leading machinery manufacturers like Lakshmi Machine Works Limited, Rieter, Truetzschler, Saurer and has panel discussions. Four speakers are from foreign nations are part of the meet and 50 delegates from upcountry took part at the meet.
The meet is aimed at educating the technical professionals and management of the textile field to update their knowledge and skills in the textile field and management. Others who attended were Dr.T.R.Dinakaran, Chairman, Ramalinga Group, Karumuttu T.Kannan, Managing Director, Thiagarajar Mills (P) Limited, A.P.Appukutti, President, Tamil Nadu Spinning Mills Association, Raja M.Shanmugam, President, Tiruppur Exporters Association and T.Rajkumar, Deputy Chairman, Confederation of Indian Textile Industry.
The Textile Association (India) is the foremost largest textile professional National body of India, striving for the growth of India’s largest single Textile Industry and also largest in the world textiles. It is established in the year 1939. It is established with 126 founding members and as on today the Association has more than 23000 strong memberships with 26 affiliated Units, spread throughout the length and breadth of the country. The South India Unit was started in 1950 and has more than 1500 members.
Textile Association Honours LMW Chairman With Excellence Award