What type of sickness can be cured with the PHW?
All sickness starts within the human subtle body and by healing the subtle body the physical body heals soon after that. All sickness can be healed except for karmically induced sickness which may require divine intervention and balancing of the karmic condition would be required by the patient.
What are subtle bodies?
These are energy bodies that surrounds our physical body. The physical body consists of the external body that we can see and touch and the internal body that we cannot see, such as the organs and other glands inside our body. The subtle energy body interpenetrates the internal physical body and extends beyond the external physical body. These subtle bodies consist of the Etheric Body or Bioplasmic Body, the Astral Body, the Mental body and the Causal body.
How the subtle body does affect our health?
The subtle energy flows within the energy bodies just like how blood flows in our internal body. Any blocks in the flow of these energy bodies would result in pain, discomfort or disease in the physical body.
What are these subtle energy bodies made off?
These subtle energy bodies are made of Prana or Chi or the Life force.
Is Prana the same as Chi?
Yes. Prana is Sanskrit and Chi is in Chinese both are terms to denote the Life force in the various regions or parts of the world.
Can we generate our Prana?
Yes, we can. We can generate our own Prana by Breathing, by Meditation, by Chi-Kung practices, by Yoga practices etc.
Does subtle energy affect our well-being?
Yes, subtle energy is required for the wellbeing of our physical body and used up energies or energy toxins need to be removed and any unremoved used up energies would affect the well-being of the physical body. The more dirty the subtle body the more it would affect the well being of the physical body.
Are there any side affects from this healing for the healer and patient?
This is no side affects of any kind for both the healer and the patient when healing with the PHW.
How long does it take to heal a patient?
Some sickness such as headache, gastric pain, stomach pain can be relieved within 3 to 4mins. Other ailments would take longer periods and with constant healing the ailment will be cured. Fever would require healing every 3 or 4 hours for a period until the fever subsides.
Do you have to have a strong energy body to heal?
No, the PHW is doing the healing. The healer is only the instrument of the healing process. How long the healing step does takes. Some ailment like headache, toothache gastric pain would take about 3 minutes to completely heal. Other healing can be performed within 10mins. More critical ailment would take somewhere about 20mins.
What is the forgiveness affirmation? What is for?
This is to remove any unhealthy link that come into our energy bodies and cause problems to our physical body. The affirmation removes all the energy cords and these cords are one of the causes of very terminal disease such as cancer, depression, unexplained pains and disease and sickness that cannot be treated by medical treatment. For details contact 9894985868, www.pranaviolethealing.com.
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