Be Positive To Enjoy Life To The Core

Our world is changing. So do our thoughts and actions. How we think and feel about ourselves and others have changed drastically and has an impact in our lives too. The radical changes in belief system, values and law makes us to realize the complexity of our lives and for generations to come. If we have been paying attention to what’s happening within and environment, we would be able to predict what’s coming in the next few years. Such changes in the eco system disturb people’s health and mind. These would make us appreciate nothing is predictable and changes are inevitable. To address and create awareness on such varying demands, WHO has announced this year theme for World Mental Health Day (10 October) as “Young People and Mental Health in a changing world”. Adolescence and young people are very much affected by such changes. As this the time, major changes in life happens like changing schools, leaving home, starting college, making new friends, exploring and experiencing new things, getting addicted to drugs or technology, looking for life partner, self identity and new job. Many of them are apprehensive about moving from comfort zone as this may lead to exciting moments as well as stressful times.

The research says, that the age between 14 – 29 years are prone to depression, suicide, drugs, eating disorders and unsafe physical relations. This require open discussions and understanding the fact that mental illness is also similar to physical illness. Its good to talk with professionals and seek guidance for living a happy and healthy life rather than fighting with your own thoughts and actions. When you recognize such feelings, its imperative to seek professional interventions to avoid mental illness. The general saying “A sound mind in a sound body” emphasize that both requires equal care, love and affection. A healthy mind means positive thoughts, accepting changes and free thinking mind. Only when your mind is fresh, you pay attention to your body and soul.

Prevention is better than cure. It is better being aware and understand the early signs of mental disturbance and enhance coping skills to meet up with everyday challenges. Educating on self development helps to identify their personality, engaging in productive activities leads to new experience and learning, giving responsibility with accountability makes an answerable person, allowing to take independent decisions gives an exposure for self learning, discussing on various information helps them to see world in different perspective and encourage reading to develop as a matured person. This would help them to build mental resilience, enhance coping skills and self confidence. Investing time on self would help to see you as a different personality, make you to feel better and enjoy life at each phase and each moment. As life is once, train your mind to see positive aspects in each and every incident and celebrate all time as good time.

Chellam Narendiran

Srijan Counselling Services


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