Now Everyone Can Heal, Says Prana Violet Healing Founder Siva


Prana Violet Healing is a No touch, No medicine prana therapy. Prana Violet Healing follows the Universal Law of Karma. Forgiveness affirmations are the fundamental basis of PVH.

In case the problem faced by a person is the reaction to one’s own karma / action whether done knowingly or unknowingly in this lifetime or previous lifetimes, unless the person has done forgiveness we cannot heal him. We have a set of Forgiveness Affirmations for this purpose.

Healing is done using the Prana Healing Wand (PHW). Wand is a cosmic geometry which continuously emits prana, the divine energy. We don’t use the healer’s prana to heal. So, even a small child who can hold and turn it, can start healing with the wand. Energy from wand is safe for infants and pregnant Ladies also. There is no overdose or any kind of energy contamination. We can heal the minute parts like eyes and brain.

Regular reading of Forgiveness Affirmations and Spiritual Affirmations and regular use of Healing Wand will ensure a healthy body, a clean and healthy aura and increase in spiritual energy. Founder of Prana Violet Healing Siva.P born on May 1961 at Batu Arang, Selangor, Malaysia, in a family of 6 children in a lower middle class family studied Bachelor Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malaya, Malaysia in 1986. He owns an Engineering Company in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His spiritual quest is to find simple ways of healing to reduce the burden of the poor and improve their healthcare.

Prana Violet Healing using the Prana Healing Wand (PHW) was founded in July 2008 after 35 full moon visits and prayers at Borobudur and Prambanan, Candis of Yogyakarta, Indonesia where he prayed to God to show him a way to help the poor in improving their health conditions and finding a way to heal AIDS.

As of 10/2018 Siva P has made 78 full moon visits to Borobudur and Prambanan Candis. Prana Violet Healing technique making use of Prana Healing Wand (PHW) originated after 35 full moon visits by Mr Siva P to Candis of Borobudur and Prambanan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia In July 2008 this healing came to him as a divine gift from the Cosmic Beings of Borobudur and Prambanan.

Borobudur is built as a single large stupa and when viewed from above, takes the form of Cosmic geometry representing the Buddhist cosmology and the nature of mind.

Prana Violet Healing has conducted workshops  in many countries and also visited several countries for healing. These include countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Burma, Russia, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand, Peru, UK, Columbia, Curasao Island and many more countries to in the following years.

Siva.P has healed many people from different backgrounds and different strata of society in all kinds of situations across the globe. Here he details about energy healing and Prana Violet Healing Techniques. Prana Violet Healing now has many teachers all over India and one can easily learn this technique and perform healing on themselves, heal others and perform distant healing as well. For details contact 8903458098.

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