The Boss Plans Go For A Toss, But Vows To Comeback With A Bang


Missile Man of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s motivational quote goes thus: If you FAIL, it means ‘First Attempt In Learning’. This is the case with many young entrepreneurs, who face many ordeal in running their venture. And this is mainly because of improper planning, poor market survey and due to lack of good team for execution. However, certain youngsters brave all odds and finally touch the winning line.
It’s a dictum that both success and failure aren’t permanent as they are part of one’s life. Rigthly, Winston Churchill has said–Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
For young entrepreneur Anmol Vij, who came up with his ventures with dreams of making it big. All was fine for his entrepreneurial ship as it sailed smoothly with the support of his team mates. Sadly, his dreams got shattered as the sportive and energetic entrepreneur faced problems in running his entrepreneurial ventures. And he was virtually left in the lurch as to what to do as he was caught in a debt trap forcing him to wind up his ventures once for all.
Sruthi Kitcha, who was fired by her boss Anmol Vij to make her a boss came out with a book aptly titled ‘My failed boss’ which is nothing but a detailed account of her boss bad experience as an entrepreneur. The author carefully named the hero of her story as Arjun and vividly described about the travails faced by the hero in his entrepreneurial ventures.
Terming entrepreneurship as a game of snake and ladder, Sruthi Kitcha commenced her book with a preface titled ‘Before we start the game’ which gave an outline about the story. In her first chapter, she went on to say that Arjun will help with his experiences since he has been bitten by snakes many times despite the fact he had climbed the career ladder several times.
Putting up a brave face, Arjun faced many problems due to his own mistakes, but kept moving forward unmindful of the implications.
And his mantra was ‘Come what may’. Like the proverbial two steps forward, four steps backward, Arjun continued to be bitten by snakes. However, he craved to continue his play.
Arjun’s training biz was going good with a decent team and handful of clients. Interestingly, he became the talk of the town after he got associated with few forums like Rotaract, JCI, Toastmasters Club, BNI, Yi and Global Shapers. He was on cloud nine and felt the game was moving at a faster pace as he had a good number of followers in social media like Facebook.
Finally, after many twists and turns, Arjun comes to the end of the game.The author terms Arjun as a true winner as he believes that every move of his is the best move. And he is confident of making it big.
Kudos to Neha Madiya, who has excellently edited the 70 page book with crisp and creative headlines and neat presentation. A must read book by start up entrepreneurs. Better for budding entrepreneurs to browse thru’ the pages before venturing into a venture.

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